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2008 World Series of Poker

Event 44 - $1,000 No Limit Hold'em w/Rebuys
Giorni 2
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Giocatori Rimasti
Informazioni livello
20,000 / 40,000

Day 2 - Assegnazione dei posti

Curtis Kohlberg is among the leaders in Event 44
Curtis Kohlberg is among the leaders in Event 44
Con 115 giocatori in gioco nell'evento #44, $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em w/ Rebuys, WSOP ha rilasciato la lista dell'assegnazione dei posti per il Day 2:

(Tavolo 6)
Seat 1: Joe Gualtieri – 22,800
Seat 2: Edmund Liu – 78,400
Seat 3: Humberto Brenes – 33,300
Seat 4: Jamel Maistriaux – 169,300
Seat 5: Mark Seif – 133,000
Seat 6: Michael Skomac – 62,300
Seat 7: David Peters – 69,900
Seat 8: Neil Webber – 12,200
Seat 9: Giovanni Nervo – 96,200

(Tavolo 7)
Seat 1: Brent Hanks – 154,300
Seat 2: Alan Sass – 85,700
Seat 3: Albert Iverson – 108,700
Seat 4: Men Nguyen – 64,500
Seat 5: John Phan – 17,500
Seat 6: Rene Mouritsen – 135,400
Seat 7: Matthias Neu – 67,300
Seat 9: Rehne Pedersen – 61,300

(Tavolo 8)
Seat 1: Nhut Tran – 71,200
Seat 2: Sam Simon – 47,900
Seat 3: Aliaksandr Dzianisau – 98,600
Seat 3: Alan Jaffray – 54,800
Seat 4: Chris Klecz – 15,300
Seat 5: Terrence Chan – 92,000
Seat 6: Mark Dickstein – 47,600
Seat 7: Lauren Koch – 44,100
Seat 8: Shane Pacheco – 17,500
Seat 9: Steven Levy – 67,400

(Tavolo 9)
Seat 1: Nikolaj Adamsen – 89,700
Seat 2: Peter Feldman – 71,500
Seat 3: Tim Blake – 70,500
Seat 4: Thomas Alcorn – 15,000
Seat 5: Brock Parker – 14,500
Seat 6: Curtis Kohlberg – 158,700
Seat 7: Robert Erhart – 57,200
Seat 8: Paul Fisher – 24,800
Seat 9: Gioi Luong – 62,000

(Tavolo 10)
Seat 1: Jesse Chinni – 38,800
Seat 2: Edgar Macias – 89,000
Seat 3: Stuart Fox – 59,200
Seat 4: John Hoang – 125,300
Seat 5: Tor Mouritsen – 12,800
Seat 6: Hans Winzeler – 30,200
Seat 7: Gustavo Echeverri – 80,200
Seat 8: Scott Stanko – 55,400
Seat 9: Phung Ngo – 24,700

(Tavolo 11)
Seat 1: Saif Ahmad – 82,500
Seat 2: Ken Hennum – 45,000
Seat 3: Stuart Paterson – 95,200
Seat 4: Zachary Clark – 27,900
Seat 5: Hanno Offen – 67,500
Seat 6: Max Greenwood – 30,000
Seat 7: Jean-Claude Perrot – 28,900
Seat 8: William Haughey – 51,100
Seat 9: JC Tran – 54,900

(Tavolo 12)
Seat 1: Ian Bingham – 5,500
Seat 2: Michael Watson – 61,000
Seat 3: Alec Torelli – 87,600
Seat 5: Ben Fineman – 40,900
Seat 6: Heung Yoon – 9,200
Seat 7: Gil George – 105,000
Seat 8: Connor Allisen – 40,800
Seat 9: Randy Haddox – 79,900

(Tavolo 13)
Seat 1: Jordan Smith – 30,100
Seat 2: Nicolas Levi – 74,300
Seat 3: Travis Pearson – 45,000
Seat 4: Scott Freeman – 69,300
Seat 5: Eddylee Martin – 16,100
Seat 6: [Removed:326] – 63,600
Seat 7: Conor Tate – 88,600
Seat 8: Jean-Luc Docquier – 15,500
Seat 9: Jeff Williams – 22,700

(Tavolo 14)
Seat 1: Ivan Demidov – 101,200
Seat 2: Kyle Wilson – 54,600
Seat 3: Brad Daugherty – 23,300
Seat 4: Ian Kim – 51,100
Seat 5: Matt Molinari – 75,700
Seat 6: Hien Tran – 20,000
Seat 7: Tom Love – 75,900
Seat 8: David Bagheri – 37,600
Seat 9: George Abdallah – 95,800

(Tavolo 15)
Seat 1: David Fishbaum – 38,200
Seat 2: Sarah Bilney – 23,000
Seat 3: Bob Lauria – 35,400
Seat 4: Bryan Asch – 79,800
Seat 5: Jim McCrink – 21,000
Seat 6: Scott Clements – 26,800
Seat 7: Eric Semel – 52,400
Seat 8: Keven Stammen – 80,300
Seat 9: Eric Froehlich – 25,300

(Tavolo 16)
Seat 1: Thomas Nielsen – 81,600
Seat 2: Dan Lu – 132,700
Seat 3: Edward Brogdon – 29,000
Seat 4: Jamie Rosen – 97,600
Seat 5: Steven Van Zadelhoff – 31,700
Seat 6: Roy Vandersluis – 50,700
Seat 7: Andrew Rosskamm – 54,100
Seat 8: Jim O'Mealia – 24,900
Seat 9: Tuan Vu – 19,900

(Tavolo 17)
Seat 1: Jan Helfeld – 17,200
Seat 2: Sean Picquelle – 52,700
Seat 3: Faraz Jaka – 116,400
Seat 4: Simon Ravnsbaek – 153,000
Seat 5: Brandon Schaefer – 21,000
Seat 6: Jens Eriksson – 24,000
Seat 7: Craig Gray – 43,900
Seat 8: Joe Tehan – 108,200
Seat 9: Anahit Galajian – 18,400

(Tavolo 18)
Seat 2: Alex Bolotin – 71,900
Seat 3: Chris Podlewski – 69,700
Seat 4: Don Toporowski – 36,100
Seat 5: Helge Pederson – 35,100
Seat 6: Justin Pechie – 56,200
Seat 7: Wayne Boich – 33,000
Seat 8: Josh Evans – 97,500
Seat 9: Constantin Karrys – 64,600

L'azione riprenderà alle 2pm dal Rio Convention Center.

Tags: Curtis Kohlberg

Livello: 11

Bui: 800/1,600

Ante: 200

Dolori di Internet

Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente, ma ci sono problemi di connessione internet qui al Rio. Lo staff ci ha informato che stanno lavrando sul problema. Noi torneremo operativi a breve.

Humberto non bluffa

Alla pirma mano del gioco, Neil Webber è stato eliminato da Humberto Brenes. Webber va all in per 12,000 con {5-Clubs} {6-Clubs} , e Brenes chiama dal grande buio {Q-Diamonds} {Q-Spades}. Quando si girano le carte, Brenes dice con un accento familiare, "Vedi? Humberto non bluffa mai."

Il board è {7-Hearts} {6-Spades} {Q-Hearts} {4-Clubs} {10-Diamonds}. Brenes sale a 46,000.

Un grosso piatto per Seif

Siamo arrivati al turn in un grosso piatto tra Mark Seif e Jamal Maistriaux. Il board è {A-Clubs} {8-Clubs} {A-Hearts} {4-Hearts} . Jamal punta 22,000, e Mark rilancia il minimo 44,000. Jamal chiama a 8 secondi dalla fine del tempo chiamato da Jamal.

Il river è {5-Spades}. Mark Seif va all in per 43,000, e Jamal chima. Seif gira {A-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds}, per un full. Jamal getta nel muck rimanendo con 80,000 chips. Seif diventa chip leader con 256,000.

Tommy Vu out

Da hijack seat, Tommy Vu va all in per 17,500 chips. Thomas Nielsen chiama da cutoff, e Edward Brogdon ri-rilancia all in dal piccolo buio. Nielsen chiama:

Vu: {Q-Spades} {7-Spades}
Nielsen: {J-Spades} {J-Diamonds}
Brogdon: {A-Spades} {A-Hearts}

Il board è {6-Clubs} {4-Spades} {7-Hearts} {10-Diamonds} {9-Hearts}. Gli assi reggono e Brogdon sale a 74,300. Nielsen rimane con 53,300, e Tommy Vu è out.

Tate elimina Smith

Conor Tate
Conor Tate
Con i bui a 800 e 1600 Conor Tate rilancia da cutoff 4,100. Jordan Smith ri-rilancia all in per 27,500. Tate chiama e mostra {K-Spades} {Q-Diamonds} contro {K-Hearts} {J-Spades} di Smith.

Il board è , {5-Hearts} {5-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds} {5-Clubs} {2-Hearts} e Tate vince la mano salendo a 115,500 chips.

Torelli sale

Alec Torelli fa un salto nel conteggio chips vincendo un piatto di più di 90,000.

Ben Fineman rilancia in early postion 4,100, middle position chiama, Connor Allisen ri-rilancia 13,500. Alec Torelli va all in per 75,000. Fineman e middle postion foldano e Allisen chiama per i suoi restanti 30,000.

Allisen ha {K-Diamonds} {K-Hearts} contro Torelli' con {A-Clubs} {10-Diamonds}. Il flop è {J-Spades} {2-Hearts} {5-Diamonds} il turn è {A-Diamonds}. Il river è {4-Spades}, Torelli vince e Allisen è out

Torelli ha 145,000.

Tags: Alec Torelli