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2012 World Poker Tour Malta

Main Event
Giorni 1a
Event Info

2012 World Poker Tour Malta

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
30,000 / 60,000

Cajelais Busted, O'Brien Soaring

Dan O'Brien didn't last too long at WPT Paris when he busted on the first day, but something tells us that he will be around a little longer at WPT Malta. He is currently sitting on a monster stack of 93,000 and he was kind enough to explain how he managed to garner such an impressive stack of chips.

Firstly, he flopped middle set on a {J-}{10-}{6-} board to get a decent chunk of change against pocket kings, and then he eliminated Erik Cajelais kings versus jacks to add a further 25,000 chips.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Dan O'Brien us
Dan O'Brien
Erik Cajelais ca
Erik Cajelais

Tags: Dan O'BrienErik Cajelais

Cajelais Wins Back-to-Back Pots

Erik Cajelais has just won back-to-back pots, both involved Casey Kastle.

In the first hand Kastle opened to 600 from under the gun, Cajelais called on the button and it was heads-up to the {4-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} flop. Kastle tapped the table and checked, Cajelais bet 600 and Kastle snap-folded.

The very next hand Kastle opened to 600 again and this time Cajelais three-bet to 1,600. Nicolaou Sakis cold-called in the small blind and Kastle called too.

The flop came down {2-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{3-Spades}, Sakis checked, Kastle checked and Cajelais took a stab at the pot. As he did, both opponents folded. Easy game.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Casey Kastle si
Casey Kastle
Erik Cajelais ca
Erik Cajelais

Tags: Erik CajelaisCasey KastleNicolaou Sakis

Leppanen Four-Bets Sheikh

Jusso Leppanen opened the betting from middle position only to see [Removed:163] three-bet to 1,400 from the cutoff. The action folded back to Leppanen and he wasted very little time in four-betting to 3,900 and Sheikh got out of the way.

Shortly after the hand Sheikh walked over to Casey Kastle and declared that he was enjoying himself here in Malta and that it is very much a nice vacation spot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento

Tags: Casey KastleJusso Leppanen

Rettenmaier Loses Out To Wehrle

Marvin Rettenmaier opened to 450 from late position and then called when Jurgen Wehrle three-bet to 1,400 from the button. The pair shared the {7-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{5-Clubs} flop, Rettenmaier checked, Wehrle continued to 2,200 and Rettenmaier mucked.

It's not been the best of starts for Rettenmaier but now that he is sporting a PartyPoker hoodie maybe his luck will change.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Marvin Rettenmaier de
Marvin Rettenmaier
WPT 2X Winner

Tags: Marvin RettenmaierJurgen Wehrle

Livello: 4

Bui: 100/200

Ante: 25

Pescaglini Back In Business

Cecilia Pescaglini's stack yo-yos like, well, a yo-yo whenever she enters a tournament and today is no different. After being as low at 20,000 she is now up to 36,000.

Pescaglini opened the betting, Rodrigo Dos Santos Caprioli called next to act and when the action folded to Roger Hairabedian in the big blind he called too.

The trio shared a {9-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{2-Spades} flop, Hairabedian checked, Pescaglini made a continuation bet of 1,250, Caprioli called but Hairabedian check-raised to 3,500. Pescaglini made the call but Caprioli folded.

The {10-Spades} saw Hairabedian move all in, covering Pescaglini. The Italian went into the tank for over a minute before making the call.

Pescaglini: {9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}
Hairabedian: {J-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}

The dealer put the {q-Spades} on the river and Pescaglini's pair of nines held. She burst into Italian saying something that we think said, "How about those apples," as she stacked her new found chips.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Cecilia Pescaglini
Cecilia Pescaglini
Roger Hairabedian fr
Roger Hairabedian

Tags: Cecilia PescagliniRoger HairabedianRodrigo Dos Santos Caprioli

Arnaud Does Francesco A Favia

Francesco Favia saw Arnaud Mattern check to him on a [99s]{5-Spades}{4-Spades}{J-Hearts} board and decided to bet 4,500 into the pot. Mattern queried how many chips Favia had behind and after Favia, in Seat 1, brought his chips forward so Mattern could view them (circa 25,000) Mattern made the call.

The {A-Spades} on the river put four spades out there and Mattern checked its arrival. Favia sat stoic for 25 seconds before checking behind.

"I have a nine," claimed Mattern but his cards were mucked when Favia showed his {Q-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}.

Mattern down to just under 20,000.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Arnaud Mattern fr
Arnaud Mattern

Tags: Arnaud MatternFrancesco Favia

Kastle Takes On Cajelais

Castle Kastle is flying high after taking on the man who is built like a castle, Erik Cajelais.

Kastle checked to Cajelais on the {9-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{8-Clubs} flop and Cajelais bet exactly half of the pot, 2,200. Kastle re-checked his hole cards before making the call. The {6-Clubs} on the turn completed a possible club flush draw and both players checked its arrival.

The {3-Hearts} river looked like a complete blank but Kastle didn't think so, as he reached for chips totaling 6,525 and put them across the betting line. Cajelais removed the chip that was protecting his cards and he got out of the firing line and mucked.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Casey Kastle si
Casey Kastle
Erik Cajelais ca
Erik Cajelais

Tags: Erik CajelaisCasey Kastle