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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #25: $1,500 Seven Card Stud Hi-Low-8 or Better
Giorni 3
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
60,000 / 120,000

Gerard Rechnitzer Eliminated in 3rd Place ($77,097)

Livello 27 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Gerard Rechnitzer - 3rd place
Gerard Rechnitzer - 3rd place

Mike Sexton: {K-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} / {K-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} / {Q-Clubs}
Gerard Rechnitzer: {8-Hearts}{4-Hearts} / {2-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} / {9-Diamonds}

Mike Sexton raised and Rechnitzer made it two bets, Sexton called and then fired out on fourth, Rechnitzer called and then raised all in on fifth. Sexton called with kings up and Rechnitzer showed his flush draw.

Rechnitzer finally bricked everything as Sexton rivered a full house to leave him heads up for the bracelet he won 22 years ago. He's facing Chris Viox who has battled from a short stack back many times on this final, it's sure to be a tough battle.

Tags: Chris VioxGerard Rechnitzer

Hakon Lundberg Eliminated in 4th Place ($55,917)

Livello 27 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Hakon Lundberg - 4th place
Hakon Lundberg - 4th place

Lundberg: {8-Clubs}{6-Spades}/{5-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{J-Clubs}/{X-}
Viox: {K-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}/{K-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{6-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}/{X-}

Hakon Lundberg was all in on third street against Chris Viox. The split kings for Viox were in the lead against Lundberg's pair of eights going to seventh street.

Viox made kings up when the {Q-Diamonds} was dealt to him, leaving Lundberg in need of an eight to survive, but it was not meant to be as he turned over the {9-Clubs} to finish in fourth place.

Tags: Chris VioxHakon Lundberg

Lundberg's Kings Lose to Rechnitzer's Running Kings

Livello 27 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Gerard Rechnitzer
Gerard Rechnitzer

Gerard Rechnitzer: {6-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{K-Hearts}{K-Spades}{J-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}
Hakon Lundberg: {K-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{4-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}

Rechnitzer was all in on third with his three to a low draw against Lundberg's Kings, yet Rechnitzer managed to hit running kings and a better kicker to somehow double up. We've lost count how many times he's escaped so far, best comeback since zombie Elvis?

Tags: Gerard RechnitzerHakon Lundberg

Livello: 27

Limiti: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 10,000

More for Viox

Livello 26 : 30,000/60,000, 7,000 ante

Chris Viox: {x-}{x-} / {5-Spades}{9-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} / {x-}
Hakon Lundberg: {x-}{x-} / {3-Spades}{J-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{2-Spades} / {x-}

Joining the action on fifth street and Hakon Lundberg check-raised Chris Viox's bet. Viox called and then seventh was checked down. Viox showed {A-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} for aces and it was enough to take the entire pot.

Tags: Chris VioxHakon Lundberg