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2011 World Series of Poker Europe

Event #7: €10,400 Main Event Championship
Giorni 1b
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker Europe

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
50,000 / 100,000

Event #7: €10,400 Main Event Championship

Giorno 1b completo

Official End-of-Day Chip Counts

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Lari Sihvo
Lari Sihvo
Profile photo of Tommy Vedes us
Tommy Vedes
WPT 2X Winner
Profile photo of Alexander Kostritsyn ru
Alexander Kostritsyn
Profile photo of Antonio Palma pt
Antonio Palma
Profile photo of Constant Rjkenberg
Constant Rjkenberg
Profile photo of Robert Mizrachi us
Robert Mizrachi
WSOP 5X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Antony Lellouche fr
Antony Lellouche
Profile photo of McLean Karr us
McLean Karr
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Fabrizio Gonzalez uy
Fabrizio Gonzalez
Profile photo of Artem Litvinov ru
Artem Litvinov
Profile photo of Victor Ramdin us
Victor Ramdin
Profile photo of Tony G lt
Tony G
Profile photo of Alexandre Krivonos
Alexandre Krivonos
Profile photo of Joe Cassidy us
Joe Cassidy
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Nikolay Volper us
Nikolay Volper
Profile photo of Maxim Lykov ru
Maxim Lykov
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Alexander Dovzhenko
Alexander Dovzhenko
Profile photo of Elio Fox us
Elio Fox
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Michel Carvin
Michel Carvin
Profile photo of Jose De La Guardia pa
Jose De La Guardia
Profile photo of Shawn Buchanan ca
Shawn Buchanan
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Megrous Kidhir
Megrous Kidhir
Profile photo of Marc Inizan fr
Marc Inizan
Profile photo of Darren Kramer za
Darren Kramer
Profile photo of Amit Makhija us
Amit Makhija

Vedes Tops Day 1b

Livello 6 : 250/500, 50 ante
Tommy Vedes
Tommy Vedes

Day 1b of the 2011 World Series of Poker Europe Main Event is in the books. The second starting flight added 283 more players to the field and put the total number at 593. That smashed the record previously for this event at 362 players and it's a great thing to see.

At the end of the day, Lari Sihvo bagged up the most chips with 144,725. He's trailed closely by Tommy Vedes with 142,775. Alex Kostritsyn (126,200), Antonio Palma (125,000), Constant Rijkenberg (121,500) and Robert Mizrachi (117,500) were a few of the other notables giants to end the night.

It's not always about building a large stack on Day 1, but more so of just surviving to Day 2. Remember, this is a marathon and not a sprint. Some of the other notables advancing to Day 2 are Tony G, Patrik Antonius, Jonathan Karamalikis, Joe Cassidy, John Racener, Barry Greenstein, McLean Karr, Victor Ramdin, Shannon Shorr and Erik Cajelais. Probably the most important player moving on is defending champion James Bord. He's still in contention to successfully defend his title.

Some of the players who failed to make it out of the day were Michael Mizrachi, Sam El Sayed, Viktor Blom, Steve Billirakis, Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier and Matt Giannetti. Mizrachi was bounced is sick fashion when his aces lost to pocket kings even though he got his money in good.

Day 2 will kick off tomorrow at noon here at the Majestic in Cannes, France. We'll be back here then and hope to have you reading through the pages of PokerNews following along.

Tags: Tommy Vedes

Bring Out the Bags

Livello 6 : 250/500, 50 ante

The players have just finished up their final five hands at each table, and they're bagging up as we speak. We'll be back with a quick wrap post-haste.

Big Stack Watch

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Lari Sihvo
Lari Sihvo
Profile photo of Tommy Vedes
Tommy Vedes
Profile photo of Alex Kostritsyn
Alex Kostritsyn
Profile photo of Antonio Palma
Antonio Palma
Profile photo of Constant Rijkenberg
Constant Rijkenberg
Profile photo of Robert Mizrachi
Robert Mizrachi
Profile photo of Antony Lellouche
Antony Lellouche
Profile photo of McLean Karr
McLean Karr
Profile photo of Fabrizio Gonzales
Fabrizio Gonzales
Profile photo of Victor Ramdin
Victor Ramdin
Profile photo of Tony G
Tony G
Profile photo of Joe Cassidy
Joe Cassidy

An Orbit in the Life of James Bord

Livello 6 : 250/500, 50 ante
James Bord
James Bord

Since he's, you know, the defending champion of this event, we figured we'd park next to James Bord for an orbit and see what things look like through his eyes.

Chips to start orbit: 70,925

Hand #1: Bord was in middle position. Yves Hallague opened to 1,250, and Bord folded.

Hand #2: Alexander Dovzhenko opened to 1,100. Bord folded.

Hand #3: Under the gun plus one, Bord opened to 1,400. Next door, Men Nguyen made the call, and they went off to a heads-up flop. It came {A-Clubs} {4-Diamonds} {A-Spades}, and Bord continued out with 1,000. Nguyen only had 2,900 chips left, and he instantly dumped them into the pot in a sloppy pile. "I don't think you have any ace," he said after a moment.

Bord just chuckled. "Well, of course I don't have an ace," he replied. After another few seconds, he added a, "Whatever," under his breath and made the call to put Nguyen at risk.

"Of course I have the ace," Nguyen said proudly, tabling his {A-Hearts} {J-Clubs}.

"I don't really care," Bord said flatly. He doesn't seem to be a fan of Nguyen. He showed his {9-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds}, and the turn {K-Clubs} and river {K-Diamonds} gave Nguyen the double.

Hand #4: Bord folded under the gun, and starting grinding his Twitter feed hard.

Hand #5: Bord was in the big blind, punching through Twitter when the dealer's eyes were averted. Men Nguyen limped in under the gun, and he was joined by Philippe Narboni and small blind Joao Barbosa. Bord knocked the table for a free flop. It came {Q-Clubs} {8-Hearts} {10-Clubs}, and the action checked all the way around. On the {10-Hearts} turn, Bord took his cue to bet 1,000 at the pot, and now only Nguyen called to see the last card. It was the {J-Hearts}, and Bord relinquished control with a check. Nguyen took his cue to bet 2,000, and Bord tank-called. Nguyen tabled {K-Hearts} {3-Hearts} for the flush, and it was good. Bord flashed his cards -- we couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like he showed a ten. Either way, it was second-best.

Hand #6: Bord was in the small blind, and he folded to a raise from Stephane Gard.

Hand #7: Bord was on the button, and he received three hole cards from the dealer. The mistake was quickly caught, and the cards were called back. Interestingly, Men Nguyen happened to be dealt pocket queens, and Herve Carvalho was dealt ace-king. Bring 'em back though, boys.

Hand #7 (again): When the action folded to him, Bord raised to 1,500. We didn't see him look at his hole cards, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he didn't. Guillaume Humbert called in the big blind, but check-fold to another 2,000 from Bord on the {3-Clubs} {4-Hearts} {5-Clubs} flop. Bord buried his nose back in his phone.

Hand #8: With a raise and a call in front of him, Bord folded his cutoff. Something on his phone caught his attention. He shot out of his chair and began pacing around the room, head on a swivel. In the far corner of the room, he finally found who he was looking for -- Tony G. The two men shared a brief conversation while they both stared intently into Bord's phone.

Hand #9: Bord was still up talking with Tony G during the final hand of his orbit, and his cards were mucked.

Chips to end orbit: 64,625

Tags: James Bord

Greenstein Falls Shorter

Barry Greenstein
Barry Greenstein

Three-time gold bracelet winner Barry Greenstein raised to 1,300 preflop and John Racener called to see the flop come down {K-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}. Greenstein continuation bet 1,900 and Racener called.

On fourth street the {9-Clubs} landed and Greenstein checked. After Racener fired 2,600, Greenstein check-raised to 7,500. Racener called.

The river card was the {10-Hearts} and Greenstein checked with a little over 9,000 behind. Racener slid out 20,000 to put him all in and after a short time in the tank, Greenstein gave it up.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of John Racener
John Racener
Profile photo of Barry Greenstein
Barry Greenstein

Tags: John RacenerBarry Greenstein

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