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2024 World Series of Poker

Event #56: $2,500 Mixed Triple Draw Lowball (Limit) (2-7, A-5, Badugi)
Giorni 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Risultati finali
Mano Vincente
Event Info
Informazioni livello
250,000 / 500,000
Informazioni Giocatori - Giorno 3
Giocatori Rimasti

Event #56: $2,500 Mixed Triple Draw Lowball (Limit) (2-7, A-5, Badugi)

Giorno 3 completo

Third Time's the Charm: Patrick Moulder Captures First Bracelet and $177,045 in $2,500 Mixed Triple Draw

Livello 31 : Limits 250,000/500,000, 0 ante
Patrick Moulder
Patrick Moulder

Play has concluded for Event #56: $2,500 Mixed Triple Draw here at the 2024 World Series of Poker hosted at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas. The event attracted 371 total entrants, creating a prize pool of $825,475. Of that 371-entrant field, only 15 hopefuls remained at the start of the third and final day, all of whom were guaranteed at least $8,861.

Patrick Moulder had already made two final tables earlier in the series before this event, finishing ninth place in the $10,000 Limit Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship and eighth in $10,000 limit H.O.R.S.E. Championship. This time, after the dust had settled, Moulder was the last player standing, overcoming a final table that included bracelet winners such as Shaun Deeb and Chad Eveslage before last defeating Ian Chan in heads-up play to take home his first WSOP gold bracelet and the top prize of $177,045.

Winner's Reaction

"It means so much to me," Moulder said after the victory. "My goal coming into the summer was to make one final table. I got to one early in the summer and got knocked out right away. It was nice to have a long Day 3 and get across the finish line".

"I didn't take anything for granted," Moulder continued. "I was excited as we kept getting closer and closer, and I caught a lot of good cards when we were three and four-handed, which is key to winning a tournament."

Moulder described first getting into mixed games after getting his first WSOP cash in a 2019 in a triple draw event.

"I busted a no-limit hold'em tournament at the 2019 WSOP. There was a $1,500 2-7 Triple-Draw tournament. I had the rest of the day free, and my wife told me to go play poker. So I went, read about the game and I think I got 19th. It was my first cash and first time playing that format. I had only played essentially no-limit hold'em before, and I enjoyed the experience and table dynamic (of mixed game tournaments) a little bit more, so I've just kind of focused on that going forward".

Final Table Results

1Patrick MoulderUnited States$177,045
2Ian ChanCanada$115,073
3Yuebin GuoUnited States$76,547
4Chad EveslageUnited States$52,140
5Matthew SmithUnited States$36,387
6Shaun DeebUnited States$26,033
7Anthony HuUnited States$19,106

Day 3 Action

The action got off to a quick start today, with several players beginning with less than five big bets and attempting to spin up their short stacks. Alan Myerson was first to fall in 15th place and it would not be long before he was followed out the door by Shawn Buchanan and Michael Boik, both of whom fell to Deeb in a double knockout.

Shaun Deeb
Shaun Deeb

Others who made their exit before the final table include Day 1 chip leader Ryan Ko, Russell Clayton, Stephan Nussrallah, Oscar Johansson and Amir Nematinia.

The Final Table

Moulder began the day with the chip lead and still held the chip lead going into the final table, although the stack sizes were fairly close, and several players were right behind him. Deeb came into the final table as the shortest stack but quickly tripled up to keep himself in contention. Several more double ups occured before Anthony Hu became the first final table casualty shortly after having his stack decimated by Chan in a hand of 2-7 triple draw.

Following Hu's elimination, Chan had surpassed Moulder to take a strong lead over the rest of the field, but Moulder began catching up after making a wheel to knock out Deeb in sixth place. Deeb was followed out the door a little while later by Matthew Smith who made his exit in fifth.

Eveslage had a roller coaster final table, starting in the middle of the pack before finding himself near the top of the counts after taking a pot from Deeb early on. Eveslage would be whittled down, double up and get whittled down again after losing two badugi hands to Yuebin Guo. Several more double ups saw the last bracelet winner left in the field make it all the way to the final four before Moulder got the last of his chips in a four-bet A-5 triple draw hand.

Chad Eveslage
Chad Eveslage

Chan went into the final three with almost twice the chips of Moulder, while Guo was very short-stacked. Despite being short, Guo showed incredible resilience, and three-handed play lasted over two hours. Guo quickly pulled ahead of Moulder and, at one point, came close to pulling even with Chan for the chip lead. At the same time, Moulder found himself short-stacked for the first time during the day after Chan made a king-badugi and Moulder paid him off.

Once the game switched from Badugi back to 2-7 triple draw Moulder won several pots against both Chan and Guo in a dramatic shift in momentum that saw Moulder reclaim the lead from Chan while Guo was left short again. Guo almost made another big comeback after tripling up but this time he couldn't keep the momentum going and finally fell in third place in a hand of A-5 triple draw against Chan.

Ian Chan
Ian Chan

Chan began heads-up play with a modest lead over Moulder, but Moulder quickly took the lead and never looked back. Moulder won several pots off Chan without showdown before leaving his opponent short-stacked in a hand of A-5 triple draw after making a nine-low and calling off a bluff from Chan who had made a pair. Chan was all in against Moulder in the same game a few hands later, and despite drawing two to make an unlikely seven-low, it was not enough to best Moulder, who had made a six-low to take the final pot of the night, the WSOP gold bracelet and the top prize of $177,045 while Chan took home a career-best score of $115,073 for his runner up finish.

Patrick Moulder
Patrick Moulder

That concludes our recap for this event. As always, stay tuned to PokerNews for all your live coverage needs from the 2024 WSOP.

Tags: Alan MyersonAmir NematiniaAnthony HuChad EveslageIan ChanMatthew SmithMichael BoikOscar JohanssonPatrick MoulderRussell ClaytonRyan KoShaun DeebShawn BuchananStephan NussrallahYuebin Guo

Ian Chan Eliminated in 2nd Place ($115,073)

Livello 31 : Limits 250,000/500,000, 0 ante
Ian Chan
Ian Chan

A-5 Triple Draw

Patrick Moulder raised his button and Ian Chan called all in in the big blind for 300,000 chips.

Each player took three cards on the first draw, and both improved for the second draw as Chan took two and Moulder drew one.

On the final draw, Chan still took two and Moulder stood pat.

Ian Chan: 4x2xAx All in
Patrick Moulder: 6x5x4x2xAx

Chan still had a chance to double up, but he had to beat Moulder's six-low. He turned over a 7x as the first card, leaving him drawing dead. The 3x made him a seven-perfect, but it was no good.

Chan shook Moulder's hand as he went to collect his $115,073 payout for finishing runner-up.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Patrick Moulder us
Patrick Moulder
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ian Chan ca
Ian Chan

Tags: Ian ChanPatrick Moulder

Moulder has Chan on the Ropes

Livello 31 : Limits 250,000/500,000, 0 ante

A-5 Triple Draw

Ian Chan opened from the button and Patrick Moulder defended from the big blind, drawing three while Chan stood pat.

After the first draw Moulder check-called a bet from Chan and drew two while Chan stood pat again.

Moulder checked after the second draw, and Chan bet. Moulder raised two big bets, and Chan called, leaving 300,000 behind. Moulder stood pat, and after briefly going into the tank, Chan broke his hand and drew one.

With no draws remaining, Moulder bet once more, and Chan folded, leaving himself with less than one big bet.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Patrick Moulder us
Patrick Moulder
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ian Chan ca
Ian Chan

Tags: Ian ChanPatrick Moulder

Livello: 31

Blinds: 125,000-250,000
Limits: 250,000-500,000

Chan Short After Three-Bet Pot

Livello 30 : Limits 200,000/400,000, 0 ante
Ian Chan
Ian Chan

A-5 Triple Draw

Ian Chan raised his button, and Patrick Moulder three-bet from the big blind. Chan called and drew two cards after Moulder had drawn one.

Chan then called a bet before exchanging two more cards, with Moulder still drawing one before him.

After the second draw, Moulder bet, Chan raised, and Moulder called. Moulder took one card as Chan stood pat.

On the final betting round, Moulder checked, and Chan bet. Moulder tossed in a quick call, after which Chan shook his head and claimed a pair.

Moulder tabled 9x5x4x2xAx for a nine-low and raked in the pot, leaving his opponent with five big bets.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Patrick Moulder us
Patrick Moulder
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ian Chan ca
Ian Chan

Tags: Ian ChanPatrick Moulder

Two in a Row for Moulder

Livello 30 : Limits 200,000/400,000, 0 ante

2-7 Triple Draw

Ian Chan opened from the button and Patrick Moulder defended from the big blind. Both players drew two and checked. For the second draw Moulder drew one and Chan drew two.

After the second draw Moulder bet and Chan called, drawing one while Moulder stood pat.

With no draws remaining Moulder bet and Chan folded.

2-7 Triple Draw

The next hand saw Chan open from the button and Moulder defend from the big blind ,drawing three while Chan drew one.

After the first draw Moulder check-called a bet from Chan and drew one to Chan's two.

Moulder bet after the second draw and was once again able to force a fold from Chan.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Patrick Moulder us
Patrick Moulder
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ian Chan ca
Ian Chan

Tags: Ian ChanPatrick Moulder

Moulder Gets Value With Queen

Livello 30 : Limits 200,000/400,000, 0 ante


Patrick Moulder raised his button and Ian Chan called. Chan then drew two cards before Moulder took one.

Chan check-called a bet of Moulder before drawing one, and Moulder changed one card as well.

The players then checked before exchanging one more card each on the final draw.

Chan checked to Moulder, who fired a bet. Chan mulled over his options for a while before tossing in a call, mucking his cards as Moulder showed Q976 for a badugi.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Patrick Moulder us
Patrick Moulder
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ian Chan ca
Ian Chan

Tags: Ian ChanPatrick Moulder

Chan Gets it All Back

Livello 30 : Limits 200,000/400,000, 0 ante


Patrick Moulder opened from the button and Ian Chan defended from the big blind, drawing two while Moulder drew one.

After the first draw Chan check-called a bet from Moulder and drew two to Moulder's one.

Chan checked again after the second draw and Moulder bet. Chan raised to two big bets and Moulders called, drawing one while Chan stood pat.

With no draws remaining Chan bet once more and Moulder called. Chan tabled a jack-badugi with J62A and Moulder mucked.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Ian Chan ca
Ian Chan
Profile photo of Patrick Moulder us
Patrick Moulder
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ian ChanPatrick Moulder

Moulder Draws First Blood

Livello 30 : Limits 200,000/400,000, 0 ante

A-5 Triple Draw

Action was picked up just before the first draw. Ian Chan drew two from the big blind and Patrick Moulders drew two from the button.

After the first draw Chan bet and Moulders called. Once again Chan drew one while Moulders drew two.

Chan bet again after the second draw and was called by Moulders. This time both players drew one.

With no draws remaining Chan bet, Moulders raised and Chan called. Moulders tabled 5x4x3x2xAx for the nuts.

"I made number three" Chan commented before mucking his hand as Moulders took the pot.

Giocatore Chip Avanzamento
Profile photo of Patrick Moulder us
Patrick Moulder
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Ian Chan ca
Ian Chan

Tags: Ian ChanPatrick Moulders